Norms for work submissions


It will only be considered by the Scientific Committee of the 1st International Symposium on Innovation in Higher Education the communications that meet the conditions presented in these normative.

Authors who meet the established standards will be part of the official program for verbal communications, with the right to certification and publication of the article.

I. Research lines:

Two categories of submission will be accepted: Report of Innovative Experiences and Scientific Research.
The papers submitted should cover the following lines of research:

  • Innovative policies and strategies in Higher Education;

  • Innovative methods and technologies in Higher Education;

  • Research and evaluation in Higher Education.

II. General and Normative Aspects:

To submit the article go to:

  1. Each author will be able to register up to two oral communications being one as the main author and one in co-authorship.

  2. The submitted paper must have at most one author and three co-authors.

  3. It is not possible to correct or modify the submitted texts for the communications, after acceptance by the Scientific Committee.

  4. The submitted and presented papers, and their respective content, are the sole responsibility of the authors.

  5. All authors must register for the event and pay its fee.

III. Formatting Standards

  1. The articles for the 1st International Symposium on Innovation in Higher Education must be submitted on Portuguese, Spanish or English.

  2. For submission it is necessary to send a complete text (with footnotes, bibliographical references, graphs and tables when applicable), preceded by an abstract, written in Portuguese.

  3. The full text should be between 10,000 and 15,000 characters long, including spaces between words, with pages numbered at the top right.

  4. The paper may include Reports of Innovative Experiences and Scientific Research, that deal with the theme of the event.

  5. The article should be formatted in Word 2003-2007 (compatibility mode) or higher, with the following content: A4 paper (29.7 cm x 21 cm), top and left margins of 2.5 cm and botton tirar a vígula que tem depois de botton and right margins of 2 cm, Arial 12 font, space between lines of 1.5 and justified alignment.

  6. The work title should be presented in upper case and bold, with centralized alignment.

  7. The names of the authors should appear just below the title of the work, aligned to the right and accompanied by the identification of the institution and the authors’ electronic mail.

  8. Subtitles and subdivisions of the text should come in bold, unnumbered, with normal paragraph indentation.

  9. Graphs, tables and figures should be in a centralized alignment and contain the source of information.

  10. The abstract written in a single paragraph, with a maximum length of 800 characters, including spaces between words, without comments and bibliographic references, must be presented after authors’ identification. Papers whose abstract exceed this size won’t be accepted.

  11. Three keywords, in lower case, separated by semicolon, must complete the abstract.

IV. Criteria for evaluation of the work by the Scientific Committee

  1. Will be considered:

a) Clearness in the formulation and development of the theme.
b) Consistency and strictness in the theoretical and methodological treatment.
c) Correction in the text language, citations and bibliographical references
d) Compliance with the conditions of submission and formatting standards.

  1. The Scientific Committee decision is conclusive and, as such, will not be subject to revision. Consequently, we reiterate the importance of the quality of the works and strict compliance with the norms of submission, formatting and evaluation criteria.

  2. The papers must undergo through a spelling and grammar review and comply with ABNT standards.

  3. Incomplete works will not be accepted nor those that have been presented in other events or published in periodicals, books or annals of events.

  4. Papers approved and presented in oral communication will be electronically published in the annals of the Symposium, available on the website.

V. Certification

  1. The authors who perform their presentations will have right to the certificate.

  2. The certificate will only contain the names of the authors that are registered in the online submission form.

  3. The author who submitted the work will be responsible for providing / sending the file with the text of the certificate to the other authors of the work.

  4. No corrections will be made to the authors’ names or the paper’s title in the certificate.


VI. Publishing

The organizing committee of the 1st International Symposium on Innovation in Higher Education is contacting scientific journals interested in publishing the articles presented. Indexed journals,at this moment:

  • Revista Interdisciplinar em Cultura e Sociedade – RICS (;
  • TICs & EaD em Foco (;